hi, apologies for the lack of entries. I've been quite lazy this past week lol.
I've just been procrastinating studying, even tho I have my mocks in a few days. I've literally just been grinding hypixel skyblock the whole time, barely touched a textbook.
Not much has happened otherwise, I went out with a friend and thats kind of it.
I've been really depressed today, maybe thats why I decided to write, cuz I've actually been somewhat happy this past week. I guess when I'm happy I tend to just shut up and enjoy things, but when I'm sad I feel the need to write it down.
I'm not sure why I'm sad, I guess I just feel kind of lonley and empty, the usual really. I'm still thinking about her, I guess it's kind of different though; like it's less I wish we could go back to what was, and more 'I know that we will never talk again, let alone love one another, and that hurts so much'.
Not much more to say, though, so bye!!
My song recommendation for the day is... Blondie by Current Joys (I cried in my bed listening to this)♡