I forgot to write yesterday, but it was a nice day!! I went to see my friends and spent some time with them, it was really nice seeing them after being away for a month.
Today, I went to the city to have a nice day off (and to get a haircut) and it was quite nice. I had some fucking amazing pizza, like actually 10/10 pizza; that was the highlight lmao. Then, I went home, studied and played some guitar.
Oh yeah, my fucking dad got pissed off at me for wearing eyeliner, fucking homophobe. I was meaning to take it off before I got home, but I forgot and when he saw it he got so pissed off. He said like 'dont ever think I'll drive you anywhere again' just because I had some black around my eyes LMAOO. It's not like it matters anyway, he barely drives me places anyway.